Mike Peterson


Where did it all begin?

50 years ago, when I was the ripe old age of 5, I found myself living in the spiritual and metaphysical world. Seeing and talking with someone while looking at them in their casket was odd to me, but not alarming. I had no idea why other people could not see and hear what I did, and was slightly dejected when those same people kept saying “He just has an over active imagination.”

At the age of 7, the premonitions began. Dreams that felt like a movie where I could just step into would come, then, around 48 hours later, that movie would become reality and play out just like it did in my dreams.

39 years ago, when I was 16, I gave my first tarot reading. It was exciting, and scary and un-nerving all at the same moment. I related things I was shown, and could see, to my friend. It was so detailed it caused a serious rift between the two of us. While this was a painful learning experience, it spurred me to learn more and try to find where it was all coming from.

Finding My Mentor

In 1992, I found my mentor, Richard Black. He helped me understand what being a Psychic really is, where it comes from, the connection to the spiritual world, the foundational aspects of what the Metaphysical world is, and does.

With Richards guidance and help, I found my true “vocation”, helping people through the use of psychic and metaphysical readings. In the following years, I have learned it is more than just being a psychic, it’s finding the right combination of insights, information and clarity for each individual I work with.

Many people have commented that I am a ‘down to earth’ type of reader and life coach, with part of my gift residing in the ability to simplify what could have been very complex information, and still keep it’s true worth for them.

There is no “Part Time Reader”

Since 1998, I have been working in the metaphysical field as a psychic reader, instructor and coach. This was in conjunction with working in Corporate America in the Information Technology field. It was almost living two lives at the same time. 

Metaphysics, by definition, is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. A common term for this type of personal work would be either psychic or clairvoyant.

In a conversation with my wife Shelly some years ago, it became painfully obvious that I needed to transition away from my ‘day job’ and pursue my vocation. With that positive reinforcement, I did just that.

With Love and Support

In 2007, I left my corporate America job and began walking my path, working in my true vocation as a psychic and metaphysical reader.

In this field, I have conducted over 45,000 readings. I have been able to help over 30 thousand people in more than 39 different countries around the globe.

I have been able to help them achieve their goals in relationships, financial structure, emotional and spiritual balance and growth, career aspects and much more.

Through all of those sessions and conversations, I was given and learned a unique understanding of both basic and much more complex issues that people were facing, as well as how to solve them or negate them completely! Imagine each reading offering a small puzzle piece of information. The picture those puzzle pieces created was, simply, astounding!

By defining what metaphysics is, it became clear how my understandings of the spiritual and metaphysical world are the right fit in the lives of those who are looking to make serious and long lasting changes.

When people are looking to understand dynamics in their lives, my experiences and understandings not only help define issues, but help resolve them while taking new strides in life toward success, happiness and personal enrichment.